
Temporary foreign workers: Programs and obligations

You want to learn about the programs to hire temporary foreign workers? You would like to know your obligations as an employer? You wonder what are the candidates’ commitments? This conference will provide answers to all your questions!

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Rose Bilodeau
Sales & operations supervise ARIMÉ

With a background in International Studies and languages, a job in international recruiting seemed like a perfect way to combine those two interests for Rose Bilodeau.

She has been working for Arimé for the last four years, and she was lucky to cover all aspects of the international recruitment process. She currently holds the position of Sales and Operations Supervisor.

According to her, international recruiting is the best way to help local businesses while offering opportunities to foreign workers.

Amélie Richer, RCIC
Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant, Executive Assistant ARIMÉ

Amélie Richer is a regulated Canadian immigration consultant.

With a diploma from Laval University, and one from Herzing College, she specialized in the legal steps to hire temporary foreign workers, and on the different human resource management issues.

Her professional practice at ARIMÉ includes being Lead Consultant, and Manager, member of the Executive Board.   For her, hiring foreign workers is a win-win solution for both the employers and the candidates, and she is dedicated to the success of all the cases she's involved with.

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