Mycoplasma Synoviae is a low-key but important player in the development of health problems in poultry. Where does it fit into the different poultry production sectors in Québec? Its clinical signs and the results of a recent prevalence study in Québec will be presented.
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Dr. Ghislain Hébert has earned a diploma from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Montréal in 1991. He worked as a swine production veterinarian for 2 years before switching to poultry medicine for the following 25 years. In 2019, he joined both the Équipe québécoise de contrôle des maladies avicoles (ÉQCMA) and the Équipe québécoise de santé porcine (ÉQSP).
His career path was marked by his interest for the management of the main poultry diseases and his will for their sectoral management.
During that time, he was involved in different poultry committees and working groups, as one of veterinarians of MAPAQ's RAIZO committee, as the Head of the health technical team for the Équipe québécoise de contrôle des maladies avicoles (ECQMA), in different CFIA committees, for Les Couvoiriers du Québec (LCQ), for the Association des vétérinaires en industrie animale (AVIA), as well as for different producers associations. His extensive involvement demonstrates his will for shared responsibility of disease management in the animal production industry.